Physics and computer science double major

Is a double major in physics and computer science good?

Double majoring in physics and computer science is hard, but it definitely has it's benefits. One of the biggest benefits is that after graduating, you will have MANY doors open for you as to where you could work. You would be able to get a decent paying (35,000–55,000 USD) job with notable companies.

Can you combine physics and computer science?

Basically Computer Science is applicable and can be fused with virtually every domain of physics.

What can I double major with computer science?

Although the most common majors to pair with Computer Sciences include Data Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics, many students also double major in the humanities or social sciences. In fact, over fifty other majors are represented in the list of CS double and triple majors.

What can I do with a physics and computer science degree?

Graduates of these degrees are well placed to follow careers in a diverse range of areas, from physics research to computing and data science….Career opportunities may include:

  • scientific research.
  • chemical industry.
  • engineering industry.
  • computing.
  • data science.
  • finance.

Can a computer science student become an astrophysicist?

Yes you can do so.

Can a computer scientist become an astrophysicist?

Yes. You will have to take the requisite courses. One of my high-school friends who ended up doing Computer Engineering as his undergraduate, decided that he wanted to be an astrophysicist. While he was working full-time in software development, he took the requisite courses on a part-time basis.

Is physics required for CS majors?

First and foremost, don't worry, computer engineering and computer science are not focused on calculus or physics, but instead on logic and, in some areas, probability and statistics. Most CS/CE major require calculus but not as a pre-requisite, so you can just take the class in college.