Radio silence book

What is Radio Silence book about?

Alice Oseman's Radio Silence is about a teenager named Frances, who is high achieving and convinced her future lies in academics, even though she has a passion for art and doesn't care for going to university. She's obsessed with a science fiction podcast, then coincidentally meets the creator of said podcast.

Is Radio Silence a good book?

Overall, I adored Radio Silence for its uniquely realistic writing and three-dimensional diverse cast. I'd recommend it to everybody, but in particular if you're looking for a diverse contemporary read, or have enjoyed the podcast Welcome to Night Vale.

Is Radio Silence A romance?

There is a romantic subplot but there is no romance arc for the main character. It does deal with relationships between all the characters, but that's true for any book.

What age is Radio Silence for?

Ages 13–up.

Who is February Friday in radio silence?

Carys was the inspiration for February Friday, a character in her brother Aled's podcast, Universe City. It was revealed that the letters that Radio wrote to February weren't letters to a long-lost lover, but a plea for Carys to come home and help Aled deal with their abusive mother (Radio Silence).

Is radio silence a sad book?

This book #radiosilence is just a light hearted and feel good book. The story is about a love between a boy and a girl of teenage, a platonic love, a love without sexuality, an unexpected friendship. This story is from the view of the protagonist.

Are Nick and Charlie in radio silence?

Solitaire features Nick and Charlie (so gay and bi characters), Radio Silence features bi, gay, and demisexual characters, I Was Born for This features gay, bi, and trans characters!